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Available in both standard and Pro versions, AutoTURN 9.0 comes loaded with exciting new enhancements such as the ability to perform sightline analyses on horizontal. Keygen v1.0 4 for Transoft products: AutoTURN v7.0.i, AutoTURN v8.0.i, AutoTURN v8.1.i, AutoTURN 3D v8.0.i, AutoTURN 3D v8.1.i, AutoTURN InSite v7.0.i, NEXUS v1.0.i. AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017 Object Enabler x86 module updated to version AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017 SP1.1 the x86 Enabler the Object. Module AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017 Object Enabler x64 updated to version AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017 SP1.1 the x64 Enabler the Object. Autodesk Application Manager utility updated to version to version Jun 02, 2014 Run AutoTURN, registration form will appear. Copy 'Installation code' field. Run in the prompt window: keygen 00 9 0 xxxxxxxx a where xxxxxxxx is the 'Installation code'. Another popup window will appear. Copy it's value as the 'Authorization key' to the registration form.