Unlock Iphone 3gs 6.1 6 Baseband 05.16 08
I have an iPhone 3Gs with iOS 6.1.6 on it and a baseband of 6.15.00 I do believe. Some baseband with numbers like that. I have my phone jailbroken, and untethered. I have to use an IPSW 6.0 though and not 6.1.6. I have Ultrasn0w installed but I do remember there was an Ultrasn0w Fixer app I had to get with the source repo.iparelhos.com. If you want to unlock iPhone 3GS baseband 05.16.01 or 05.16.02, you must first upgrade it to iPad baseband 06.15.00. After upgrading to iPad baseband, you can use Ultrasn0w 1.2 to unlock your iPhone.
Welcome to the GSM-Forum community forums.You are currently seeing our boards as a guest which gives you limited access to view most discussions and gain access to our various other features.Just registered members may post queries, contact additional members or lookup our database of over 8 million articles.Registration is definitely fast, basic and totally free so please -!If you have any difficulties with the sign up process or your accounts login, please get in touch with. iphone 3gs i9000 6.1.6 untethered jailbreak unlock susesfullUser NameRemember Me?Security password.
Ive got an Iphone 3gs 32gb,ios 6.1 with baseband 5.16.08 it was purchased from Doha, Qatar. At first it had ios 4.1 and baseband 5.14.02, now i live in india and the iphone never left the. Tethered boot – Untethered iOS 6.1.6 Jailbreak. Tethered Boot: Launch Redsn0w and click on “Extras“. Click the “Select IPSW” and choose the file you downloaded on step 2 (from the above tutorial). Then click on “Just Boot” button. Windows vista starter edition serial. Follow the on-screen instructions again (DFU mode), and then your iDevice will reboot.